Re: [cricket-users] [MRTG-DEV] Re: [cricket-users] Re: cartinha p/ lista cricket

From: Tobias Oetiker (
Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 03:28:07 PDT

From: Tobias Oetiker <>

Hi Steen Linden,

Today you sent me mail regarding Re: [cricket-users] [MRTG-DEV] Re:...:

*> Hi Tobi,
*> Sorry, but I haven't been able to isolate it yet and can't come up with a
*> reproducable scenario.
*> I'm using rrdtool-0.99.25 (also tried rrdtool-0.99.22 with same result),
*> cricket-0.63 and perl 5.004_04 on FreeBSD 2.2.6-RELEASE.
*> The RRDs call for the cricket "hourly graph" look like this:
*> RRDs::graph /tmp/graph.gif --base 1024 --start -151200
*> --vertical-label bits per second --width 500 --height 200
*> DEF:ds0=/cricket-data/hqgw/ebone-inc.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
*> DEF:ds1=/cricket-data/hqgw/ebone-inc.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE
*> CDEF:sds0=ds0,8,* CDEF:sds1=ds1,8,* AREA:sds0#00cc00:Average bits in
*> LINE1:sds1#0000ff:Average bits out VRULE:925423200#ff0000:
*> Getting rid of the CDEFs makes it work all the time.

can you provide an ebine-inc.rrd file and an absolute --start parameter
which shows the problem ? The rrd should have been created either on a
solaris sparc or on a linux intel box ...


 ______    __   _
/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker, Timelord & SysMgr @ EE-Dept ETH-Zurich
 / // _ \/ _ \/ / TEL: +41(0)1-6325286  FAX:...1517  ICQ: 10419518 
/_/ \.__/_.__/_/

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