Re: [cricket-users] grapher.cgi question

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 23:01:29 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Neal S. Pressman wrote:
> to add in a description to the top of the image and to change the
> background color:
> '--color', "CANVAS\#c0c0c0",
> '--title', "$targRef->{'long-desc'}",

You should be able to add those kinds of things without editing the
grapher.cgi program. Read up on the rrd-graph-args tag in the graph

I'm sorry but I really can't help with the x-axis stuff you were
asking about. For one thing, I haven't worked with it, so I don't know
if there are any peculiarities with respect to the way RRD Tool reads
those arguments. For another, it's not a feature we've needed here at
WebTV, so I haven't really contemplated it.

When I am debugging the grapher, I usually turn the log level up to
debug (search for "warn" in the first 100 lines, and change it to
debug) and then add Debug() statements to figure out why things are or
are not getting called. You might find that those techniques will let
you figure out the problem.

Jeff R. Allen              |
WebTV Service Engineering  |

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