[cricket-users] Re: Monitor DNS, Disk, CPU,... by using Cricket

From: Greg Kulosa (greg@gnac.com)
Date: Fri Apr 30 1999 - 14:27:14 PDT

From: Greg Kulosa <greg@gnac.com>

> Jackson Weng wrote:
> > to use it to monitor the more components in our network, such as
> > DNS, Host (disk, cpu load, ...). Would you please point me out
> > is there any existen modules which I can use to do the jobs.
> We use the SystemEDGE agent from Empire Technologies
> (http://www.empiretech.com). It's pretty cheap, and it's very stable
> and configurable.
> We do not yet have an example subtree showing how to talk to the
> Empire agent.

I am in the process of writing a sub-tree for host stuff.

We are using the UCD-SNMP agent, and writing a cricket sub-tree to
collect Load Ave, Disk usage, memory, swap, cpu, etc.

When it is done and stable, I will submit it to Jeff to include in the
standard Cricket release.

(BTW, I am also working on some sub-tree's to monitor Network Appliance
file servers.)

Greg A. Kulosa          | "The avalanche has already started, it is too
Systems Administrator   |  late for the pebbles to vote." - Ambassador Kosh
GNAC, Inc.              |___________________________________________________
greg@gnac.com           999 Main Street - Redwood City, CA  94063

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