I use the target-type=cisco-2926 (which come with the cricket
distribution) to collect the data from my cisco 2924XL switch
and it came out the following error. Can anyone here help me
over come the problem, thanks in advance!
%~/cricket/collector -logLevel debug ~/cricket-config/switches
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Retrieving data for target c2924 () (cisco-2926)
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Getting from public@c2924.acer.net:161
[04-May-1999 17:29:18*] Received SNMP response with error code
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Got:
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Retrieved data for c2924 (): U,U
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Some data is missing for c2924 ().
[04-May-1999 17:29:18 ] Processed 1 targets in 2 seconds.
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