Re: [cricket-users] [MRTG-DEV] Re: [cricket-users] Re: cartinha p/ lista cricket

From: Tobias Oetiker (
Date: Thu May 06 1999 - 01:27:07 PDT

From: Tobias Oetiker <>

Hi Steen Linden,

Today you sent me mail regarding Re: [cricket-users] [MRTG-DEV] Re:...:

*> Hi Tobi,
*> I did the "rrdtool graph" test on the same ebone-inc.rrd again, this time
*> every minute for an hour simultaneously on a FreeBSD and a Linux system.
*> The problem is only present on the FreeBSD system. All plots are
*> fine on the Linux box.
*> On FreeBSD the problem is consistently present for a 5 minute period every
*> 5 minutes. 05-10, 15-20, 25-30 and so on.
*> I ran your test below as well on the FreeBSD system. graph005.gif through
*> graph009.gif were bad as expected.

in that case I guess the FPE matter is rearing it's ugly head agin
can you try to recompile rrdtool and make sure that all components are
compiled with -ieee

*> --Steen
*> On Thu, 6 May 1999, Tobias Oetiker wrote:
*> > OK, I have now tested it with a little script:
*> >
*> > #!/usr/bin/perl
*> > $start = 925905000;
*> > my $name = "out000";
*> > for $x (1..12){
*> > $name++;
*> > $s= $start-151200+$x*60;
*> > $e= $start+$x*60;
*> > print localtime($e)."\n";
*> > system "../src/rrdtool graph $name.gif --base 1024 --start $s --end $e ".
*> > "--vertical-label 'bits per second' --width 500 --height 200 ".
*> > "DEF:ds0=ebone-inc.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE ".
*> > "DEF:ds1=ebone-inc.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE ".
*> > "CDEF:sds0='ds0,8,*' ".
*> > "CDEF:sds1='ds1,8,*' ".
*> > "AREA:sds0#00cc00:'Average bits in' ".
*> > "LINE1:sds1#0000ff:'Average bytes out' ".
*> > "VRULE:925855200#ff0000: VRULE:925768800#ff0000: ".
*> > "COMMENT:'".localtime($e)."'\\\\j"}
*> >
*> > unfortunately I was not able to reproduce your problem ... all graphs
*> > showed nicely ...
*> >
*> > could you very fy that my testscript produced the 'desired' result on
*> > your machine ...
*> >
*> > cheers
*> > tobi
*> > r
*> >
*> > --
*> > * To unsubscribe from the mrtg-developers mailing list, send a message
*> > with the subject: unsubscribe to
*> > * Mailing list archives are at
*> >

 ______    __   _
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