Re: [cricket-users] graphing datasources from multiple targes?

From: McGannahan Skjellyfetti (
Date: Fri May 14 1999 - 18:39:04 PDT

From: McGannahan Skjellyfetti <>

On Fri, 14 May 1999, Jeff Jensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I would use mtargets combined with Views. Something like this:
> target-type big-routers
> ds = "cpu1min, cpu5min, tempInlet, tempOutlet,
> mem5minUsed, mem5minFree"
> view = "cpu: cpu1min cpu5min,
> temperature: tempInlet tempOutlet,
> memory: mem5minUsed mem5minFree,
> cpu5minonly: cpu5min"
> target many-cpus
> mtargets = "/routers/router-1;/routers/router-2"
> short-desc = "My two routers"
> target-type = big-routers
> Then when you navigated to the page where many-cpus lives, you'd be offered
> all the views, one of which chooses only the cpu5min

        Does this assume that inside the file "/routers/router-1" there
in only 1 target, and it has the same name as the file? For example,
part of my config tree looks like:


Where interfaces is a file that contains all the targets for the router
named <routername> (Ethernet0_0, Ethernet0_1, etc.). Essentially, the
file "interfaces" was created with the "/util/listInterfaces" script.
I tried simply appending the target name to the path above, but that
doesn't seem to work. What's the proper syntax, or must I have a
seperate file for each target?


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