From: Greg Redder <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Jeff, et al,
Chris Korent was kind enough to answer me and sypathize that he
had the same problem with 4.2.1 and fixed it by upgradeing to AIX
4.3 and using the new compiler from IBM to get his Perl dynamic
library support compiled correctly. The dynamic library support
in Perl is apparently at the root of the problem. It will be
a few weeks until our OS gets upgraded unfortunately. In the
meantime I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the dynamic
libraries in Perl.
I did try to go through and get Cricket to work with RRDp, but there are
calls from Cricket (I think "create" was one of them!) that didn't work -
or weren't recognized in the RRDp files :-( Thus, using RRDp seemed like a
major undertaking if such basics didn't work. Maybe I was missing
something more simple that would allow RRDp to work with Cricket?
Thanks again...
--Greg Redder
On Mon, 17 May 1999, Jeff
Allen wrote:
> Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 11:38:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jeff Allen <>
> To: REDDER Gregory J. <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [cricket-users] perl-shared and AIX4.2.1
> Greg Redder wrote:
> > I'm running AIX4.2.1 and perl 5.004. I was not able get Cricket to
> > run successfully due to a problem getting the perl-shared portion
> I'm sorry... I don't have access to any AIX machines, so I can't be of
> any help whatsoever. Hopefully someone else can help you...
> An alternative might be to run Cricket with the RRDp (piped) interface
> to RRD Tool. I have not tried it since last fall when we switched to
> RRDs, but you might try and see if it works.
> --
> Jeff R. Allen | (work)
> WebTV Networks, Inc. | (personal)
> Service Operations Toolsmith |
Greg Redder Academic Computing & Networking Services
Colorado State University, ACNS Phone:(970)491-7222 FAX: (970)491-1958
601 S. Howes, Room 625 E-mail:
Fort Collins, CO 80523 PGP Fprint:68CEE78C86AC452881B27249785FEE91
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