Re: [cricket-users] cricket uses

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 17:08:02 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Timothy Kennedy wrote:
> Well, if any of you have been on the mrtg list, that's pretty much what it
> was used for. A sort of all-around list. Scripts, contrib apps,

I want cricket-users to be used exactly like the list Timothy is
talking about. A place to share ideas on how to monitor things, new
features we need, and bugs we find. Ideally, I'd like to train you
guys well enough that even when I am busy, you can help clueless folks
who need help. That's why I take the time to answer lots of questions
now, and why I often cross post personal questions you send me back to
the list. (Hopefully noone minds when I do this... I try to be
sensitive to the nature of the question.)

There is definately a need for a clearinghouse website for contributed
scripts which are not directly enough related to be tied into the
Cricket releases, but are still useful starting points. At least one
Cricket user has volunteered his company's resources for this, so
hopefully that will pan out. We'll let you know more when we know it.

Jeff R. Allen                   | (work)
WebTV Networks, Inc.            | (personal)
Service Operations Toolsmith    |

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