From: "Alan Lichty" <>
Tim -
Take a look at the following files in sample-config/atm-interfaces:
Ascend/Cascade ATM switches use a fixed VPI/VCI number as their MIB
ifIndex in their counter tables and I had to hard code in the
interface numbers instead of using the instance mapping tool. In this
case, I have a template for inst as:
inst = %InterfaceID%
and hard code the entry per interface in the interfaces file:
InterfaceID = "3.65579"
I have a script that regularly rebuilds the interfaces file with new
circuit updates every hour.
Alan Lichty
Internetworking Planner
Electric Lightwave, Inc.
On Thu, 20 May 1999, Timothy Kennedy wrote:
> From: Timothy Kennedy <>
> On Thu, 20 May 1999, Timothy Kennedy wrote:
> > Yes it would. Is there a way to pull a value directly out of the
> > interfaces file and pass it's value to the Defaults file for use?
> Forget I asked that. :) Not sure what I was thinking. :)
> I think what I'm asking is where specific, non default stuff could go.
> for instance. I note that at the top it's "Target --default--"
> Does that mean that there is someway to set non-defaultl values?
> Are these the values pulled directly from the file?
> Can I write a different inst value in the interfaces file?
> I am gonna try these things and see.
> Cheers,
> -Timothy
> Tim Kennedy
> Disclaimer: since this came from this me, not that ---> me,
> it is persona mail, and in no way reflects any opinions or
> policies of my employer, whom I won't mention here, just to
> keep things clear of them. (new email policy at work)
> Usual stuff about confidentiality and whatnot... intended
> receivers, blah, blah, etc., etc.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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