[cricket-users] Graph scales after RRD-TOOL 0.99.30 update.

From: Jeff Johnson (jeff@websitefactory.net)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 07:42:17 PDT

From: jeff@websitefactory.net (Jeff Johnson)

They now seem to autoscale vertically. Kinda cool. :)

Is there a way to turn that off now if I decide I don't want it.

Thanks. :) BTW, both RRD-TOOL and Cricket, keep up the great work.
I'm providing an "unofficial" mirror of both on my ftp site on my
personal box at ftp://trn.websitefactory.net/mirrors/, mainly only
for my personal work, and so I'm instantly notified of updates.
Is there anything special I should be doing if I ever plan to become
an 'official' mirror?


Jeffrey H. Johnson, jeff@websitefactory.net
The Web Site Factory, http://www.websitefactory.net

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