[cricket-users] Cricket monitoring of INN/CNFS?

From: hume@ug.cs.dal.ca
Date: Mon Jun 07 1999 - 07:43:09 PDT

From: hume@ug.cs.dal.ca

Has anyone tried using Cricket to monitor the amount of data going into
a cyclic buffer under INN?

I'm using cnfsstat -m (to get MRTG-style output) and grabbing the "current
fill" value. I'm basically just after the amount of data flowing into
each buffer during a five minute period.

I'm using the following rules:

<cricket-config>/INN/Cycbuffs/Defaults =

target --default--
        short-desc = ""
        long-desc = "Volume of data into cyclic buffer %short-desc%"
        target-type = cycbuff

datasource buffusage
        ds-source = "exec:2:/local/news/bin/cnfsstat -m %cb%"
        desc = "Amount of data written to cyclic buffer"
        bytes = 1
        rrd-ds-type = COUNTER

targetType cycbuff
        ds = buffusage

graph --default--
        y-axis = "Bytes written"
        units = bytes
        draw-as = AREA
        bytes = 1

While, for example:

<cricket-config>/INN/Cycbuffs/JUNK/Buffers =

target CYCB16
        short-desc = "CYCB16"
        cb = "CYCB16"

The problem is, I'm getting nonsensical answers when I look at the graphs.
I know the "JUNK" buffers receives about 100K of data per five minutes (at
the least), and when I run cnfsstat -m in a loop the numbers reflect that.

For example, from Cricket itself:

[07-Jun-1999 11:30:13 ] Retrieved data for cycb16 (): 293131264
[07-Jun-1999 11:35:12 ] Retrieved data for cycb16 (): 293263872

Those numbers are in bytes.

However, the grapher tells me during that period it received 256.20 bytes of
data. Which doesn't seem to be a number derived from the difference between
the above, or a division by eight, or anything else visible to me.

Anyone know what I might be doing wrong here?

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