Re: [cricket-users] [MRTG-DEV] Re: Adding new data sources to existing RRD

Date: Sun Jun 13 1999 - 11:46:33 PDT

From: <>

On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, Tobias Oetiker wrote:

> From: Tobias Oetiker <>
> *>
> *> Paul Wickman wrote:
> *> > Am I correct is saying that RRD will not let you added new
> *> > data-sources to an exhisting RRD?
> *>
> *> Yes. You need to recreate your RRD, which will make you lose all your
> *> old data. :(
> I would not keep several datasources in the same rrd unless they are realy
> cl0osly related ... like in and out traffic or something like this ...
> cheers
> tobi

        I definitely agree, but I could see the usefulness of being able
to add new data-sources to an existing RRD w/o lossing the old data. For
example, I have cricket monitoring ifInOctets/ifOutOctets on several
ethernet switches. I'd like to start monitoring some other interface MIB
variables (multicasts in/out, packet sizes, etc.) without lossing all my
historical data.
        I was also thinking about building an RRD front end for some
NetApp specific things, starting with user disk quotas. I wanted to have
one RRD, with each data-source being a userid, and each row/timeslot being
their disk-usage at that time. Since I can't add/remove data-sources
as logins are created/deleted, I have to make each user a seperate RRD,
which means at least 300 files (that's how many users we have right now).

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