[cricket-users] WantFeature: ignore 'CVS' directories

From: Tod E. Kurt (tod@goto.com)
Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 19:20:40 PDT

From: "Tod E. Kurt" <tod@goto.com>

Hi all,

We use CVS for configuration management. I'd like to be able to use CVS
on the Cricket config tree as well. Cricket's ConfigTree library
already does this for RCS files and others, so the ability's already
there. In fact, by adding this line:

    $res = 1 if ($file =~ /\/CVS$/);

around line 545 of 'cricket-0.66/lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm'.

So, how 'bout it Jeff? :)


tod@alumni.caltech.edu             tod@goto.com
Tod E. Kurt                        http://goto.com/
http://todbot.com/                 GoTo.com: Search made simple

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