[cricket-users] What am I missing?

From: Stephen Carville (carville@ugsolutions.com)
Date: Thu Jun 17 1999 - 16:27:48 PDT

From: Stephen Carville <carville@ugsolutions.com>

I am trying to setup cricket to measure some response times for various
servers but I have been unable to generate a single working
configuratioin file. In desperation I copied the "Defaults" and "url"
file from "http-performance" to another directory
called "server-response." I ran compile and tried the command

        collector /http-performance

That works correctly but when I try

        collector /server-response

I get the followng error message:

Cannot update
expected 3 data source readings (got 2) from N...

The configuration files in each case are identical do why do they work
in one directory but not in the other?

Stephen Carville
Elaborately sugar-coated crap that runs like a pig on 
Quaaludes, crashes at the drop of an electron and has 
set the computing world back by at least a decade.
What am I?

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