[cricket-users] Small common.pm bug

From: Steen Linden (Steen.Linden@ebone.net)
Date: Fri Jun 18 1999 - 06:22:38 PDT

From: Steen Linden <Steen.Linden@ebone.net>

Hi Jeff,

I found a small bug in cricket 0.67. When you are doing mapLookup to find
the instance mapping based on regexp matching you are using "each" without
resetting it between calls to mapLookup. This may result in some instances
not being found.

You need the following line added in common.pm just before the "each"
iteration in order to reset the hash.

> scalar keys(%{$main::gMapCache{$snmp}->{$mapkey}});

Best wishes
Steen Linden
Ebone Inc.

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