[cricket-users] HELP: collect-subtrees error: SNMP: noSuchName

From: xxxx xxxx (c0033024@tu-bs.de)
Date: Mon Jun 21 1999 - 05:05:52 PDT

From: xxxx xxxx <c0033024@tu-bs.de>

I configured my router in the router-subtree and his interfaces in
the router-interfaces-subtree. But if I call "collect-subtrees normal" I
get this error with each interface:

"Received SNMP response with error code noSuchName"

What can I do?


| |
| xxxx xxxx |
| Technische Universitaet Braunschweig |
| Rechenzentrum, Gruppe Netze und Betrieb |
| e-mail : xxx |
| Telefon : 0531-391-5538 |
| |

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