Re: [cricket-users] Multiple targets

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Wed Jun 30 1999 - 10:14:27 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Glenn MacGregor wrote:
> Sorry to keep bothering the list, but I have a couple more
> questions. How do I use the targets or mtargets (what is the
> difference)?

They are the same in that they are both poorly named and incompletely
implemented. :( Jeff Jensen and I tried to think it through and do it
right, but we simply couldn't predict all the features we'd want, nor
could we come up with a syntax that put rolled them all together. When
the revolution comes and we rewrite the grapher, these tags will be
the first into the guillotine! Let them eat cake! Or something...

So, here's a consise explanation of the difference:

"targets" lets you put multiple targets together on one page -- sorta
like opening up several browsers and navigating to several targets,
but all on one HTML page.

"mtargets" lets you take the data from several targets and assemble a
new graph out of that data -- either in aggregate (i.e. the sum of all
WAN links) or overlayed.

> graph say packets in from two different routers on the same graph.
> Really what is the syntax of that, ie where does the mtargets or target
> go.

To do this, you'd make a new target, for example "both":

                target both
                                mtarget = "target-1; target-2"

> Also if I try to get sysUptime I get an error message saying 2:24:55
> (uptime) is not numeric, is there a way around this?

You are trying to put a string into an RRD, which is not possible. You
could use an EXEC script to fetch the value then do pre-processing on
it -- in this case the pre-processing would be to turn the formatted
time string into a number of seconds.

Jeff R. Allen              |
WebTV Service Engineering  |

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