From: "Berg, Ivan" <>
Whew!! I have been trying to get targets and mtargets working for a couple
weeks now and have had no luck. But I finally figured it out. Let me share
the wisdom as it seems others have had problems also.
Here is the key: DON'T capitalize any letters when listed multiple items
that you are working on. Let me give an example.
target --default--
router =
directory-desc = "Cisco Router"
target Serial0_0
interface-name = Serial0/0
short-desc = "Interface 1"
target Serial0_1
interface-name = Serial0/1
short-desc = "Interface 2"
target T1_All
mtargets = "serial0_0;serial0_1"
mtargets-ops = "sum()"
short-desc = "Combined T1's"
target Serial0_Comb
targets = "serial0_0;serial0_1"
short-desc = "All T1's on 1 Page"
Notice how the targets are Serial0_0 and Serial0_1 but when doing targets
and mtargets they are all in lowercase. That does the trick, I don't know
why they have it this way, but that's the way it is.
Make sure to replace convertOps in grapher.cgi if you have version 0.67 and
are having problems with sum(). Replace it with the following
sub convertOps {
my($mto, $num) = @_;
if (lc($mto) eq 'sum()') {
my($i, @plusses);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num-1; $i++) {
push @plusses, '+';
return join(',', @plusses);
return $mto;
Good luck
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