From: Matthew Stier <>
Okay, I've run into another problem with cricket-0.68.
I am receiving this message when trying to access the webpage for a
Cisco Catalyst 5000 EtherSwitch.
[12/Jul/1999:17:22:44] failure ( 263): for host trying to GET /~cricket/cricket/grapher.cgi,
cgieng_scan_headers reports: the CGI program
/d0/cricket/public_html/cricket/grapher.cgi did not produce a
valid header (name without value: got line "use of
uninitialized value at
/d0/cricket/public_html/cricket/./lib/configtree/ line
I am using the same instance technique "(1..4)" as the sample config
file to specify multiple interfaces. When I change the
"inst" declaration to a single number, grapher.cgi is able to create the
graph. (So that tells me that "collector" is working, and the problem is
strickly in graphing.)
The following clipping demonstrates the problem. The target c5k-a
works. The target c5k-b generates the error message above.
target c5k-a
short-desc = "Cisco Catalyst 5000 in west wiring
target c5k-b
short-desc = "Cisco Catalyst 5000 in central
wiring closet"
I have not had sufficient time today to identify the cause.
-- Matthew Lee Stier * Fujitsu Network Communications Unix Systems Administrator | Two Blue Hill Plaza Ph: 914-731-2097 Fx: 914-731-2011 | Sixth Floor * Pearl River, NY 10965--------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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