From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
:On 15 Jul, Michael P. Burton wrote:
:> (a) I get the following error message after a clean install of cricket.
:> I havn't really changed anything in the config files except for like
:> adding in community-name, and info about my own central campus router.
:> Any clues?
:> ------------------------------------------------
:> photuris ~cricket/cricket ==>./collector
:> [15-Jul-1999 16:44:51 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.68 ( Fri Jul
:> 9 20:23:27 PDT 1999 )
:> Use of uninitialized value at ./collector line 56.
:> [15-Jul-1999 16:44:51*] Failed to open compiled config tree from
:> /config.db: No such file or directory
:> Exiting due to unrecoverble error.
:> photuris ~cricket/cricket ==>
:It seems that you need to recompile (by hand) the first time.
:[~cricket/compile] After the first time, it will recompile the database
:if it changes.
:This should probably be mentioned in the beginners.txt file.
:Perhaps collector should be modified to do this initial compile?
That's a good point - and I should have metnioned that I did compile the
file by hand (it is in fact in the docs!) but the config.db file is never
Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
Portland State University trapping you underneath.
At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
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