From: "Campbell Simpson" <>
Has anyone else experienced the following problem? I am gathering data for switch ports using instances. The data is being gathered just fine but when I try to use grahpher to display the data there is an error just before it displays a list of instances to choose from.
grapher.cgi did not produce a valid header (name without value: got line "use of uninitialized value at /export/home/cricket/public_html/cricket/./lib/configtree/ line 222.
It does the same for another set of data where I am using instances. Under 0.65 there were no problems and the switch-port graphs worked, but since the upgrade things have gone wrong.
I have not changed the format of the switch-ports Default file or the root Default file from the sample-config version that came with 0.69.
Can anyone help?
Campbell Simpson
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