From: Jeff Allen <>
Craig Mckenna wrote:
> [19-Jul-1999 12:21:48*] Unable to create graph: rrdopen can't open
> '/home/cricket/cricket-config/../cricket-data//routers/router.tin
It looks to me like the user that runs the CGI scripts (usually
nobody) does not have permission to read the RRD files. Check that first.
> [19-Jul-1999 12:21:49*] Could not open
> /tmp/cricket-cache/cricket-fa9a83ce.gif: No such file or directory
Make certain that the users nobody will have permission to write to
this directory too. This error is not surprising in light of the
previous error -- the GIF did not get written, since the RRD file
could not be read.
-- Jeff R. Allen | WebTV Service Engineering | ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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