[cricket-users] can't open 'dummy'?

From: Greg Redder (redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU)
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 12:36:22 PDT

From: Greg Redder <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>

Dear all,

OS: AIX4.3.2
Cricket: 0.69
RRD: 1.0

I have a new install of cricket and have worked through most of my
problems thanks to the docs and the debug flag!

However, now, when I run collector, I get the following error:
(Note: I'm using the -base flag since I haven't moved this
into a ~cricket directory yet. I was hoping to figure things
out before I did that. Maybe a bad strategy in hindsight.)

Cannot update cricket-data/routers/router-name.rrd: rrdopen can't open

I abbreviated the above path "cricket-data/routers" since I'm using
the -base flag. I also changed the routers real name to "router-name"
so as to protect the innocent ;-) Either way, the path is correct and
the file "router-name.rrd" is there. It's just
empty and it doesn't appear that I can write to it nor root when
I run the collector. Thus, I don't think it's a permission problem.
What does "can't open 'dummy'" mean?

Any hints, please?

Thank you --Greg Redder
            Colorado State University
            Network Analyst
Greg Redder Academic Computing & Networking Services
Colorado State University, ACNS Phone:(970)491-7222 FAX: (970)491-1958
601 S. Howes, Room 625 E-mail: redder@yuma.colostate.edu
Fort Collins, CO 80523 PGP Fprint:68CEE78C86AC452881B27249785FEE91

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