From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
Ok- the thing that is unfortunate about that then is that my memory
graph (which is over 100meg) now looks stupid...
:From: Matthew Stier <>
:Re-read the documentation. (The Cricket Reference Guide).
:The tags 'y-min' and 'y-max' are generic tags, and are only valid in the
:--default-- dictionary.
:graph --default--
: y-min = 0
: y-max = 0
:This means that they are applied to all graph dictionaries at the same
:level, and below.
:"Michael P. Burton" wrote:
:> From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
:> I'm graphing CPU and I want the graph to go to 100%, non-scaled. I
:> modified the Default file in the Routers subdir to following, adding
:> y-max, and y-min - but no difference was made. (frown) Any ideas?
:> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
:> graph cpu5min
:> units = "%"
:> draw-as = LINE2
:> color = blue
:> y-axis = "Percent CPU utilization"
:> legend = "5 minute CPU utilization"
:> y-max = 100
:> y-min = 0
:> ________________________________________________________________________
:> Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
:> Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
:> Portland State University trapping you underneath.
:> At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
:> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
:> GCS d---- H--- s g+ !p au a25 w+++ v++ C++ UL++ P+ L++ 3 E---- N+ K- W+ M
:> V po--- Y+ t++ 5 j R++ G+ tv b++ D+ B--- e+++ u++ h-- f+ r+++ n--- z+++
:> Decode at:
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:Matthew Lee Stier * Fujitsu Network Communications
:Unix Systems Administrator | Two Blue Hill Plaza
:Ph: 914-731-2097 Fx: 914-731-2011 | Sixth Floor * Pearl River, NY 10965
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Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
Portland State University trapping you underneath.
At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
GCS d---- H--- s g+ !p au a25 w+++ v++ C++ UL++ P+ L++ 3 E---- N+ K- W+ M
V po--- Y+ t++ 5 j R++ G+ tv b++ D+ B--- e+++ u++ h-- f+ r+++ n--- z+++
Decode at:
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