[cricket-users] IT WORKED!!!!!!

From: qztf7k@powertrain.mpg.gm.com
Date: Wed Jul 28 1999 - 08:01:10 PDT

From: qztf7k@powertrain.mpg.gm.com


        Thanks to you all guys that were trying to help me out!!

        I followed several suggestions and everytime I "almost" did it, but
something was missing.

        The only problem that I couldn't correct with the help you gave me, was
my vision.

        I didn't realized that in the grapher.cgi was this line:

         $Common::global::gConfigRoot = '/cricket-config';
                                      This was ONE of the problems.
                                      Who put this ???

        Another was that 'grapher.cgi' was trying to locate:


        So I created a link because 'cricket-config' is at


        Now it seems to work

Thanks again to everybody.

Hugo Gayosso
Controls Process Support
Electronics Integration and Software
GM Powertrain
Brighton, MI

E-Mail: qztf7k@powertrain.mpg.gm.com Phone: (810) 220-2635 Fax: (810) 220-2663

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