On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 05:32:58PM -0700, Eric Kozowski wrote:
> From: Eric Kozowski <eric@svjava.com>
> anyone have cricket accurately monitoring port usage on pm3 and pm4's?
> i have the /portmasters tree setup and it's using util/pmlines.pl, but
> it's not graphing accurate values. the problem appears to be with
> pmlines.pl providing bogus data.
i found part of the problem. pmlines.pl doesn't return all the info that
cricket is looking for. as delivered, it only returns $tot_modem and
$tot_isdn. it also needs to return $total as the first field. this fixes
things for the pm3.
the pm4 seems to have another problem. it returns a 1 for PhysType,
which indicates "other", and pmlines is set to ignore that. i've modified
pmlines.pl to at least return a total ports in use data for the pm4.
i've attached pmlines.pl, /portmasters/Defaults and /portmasters/portmasters
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