RE: [cricket-users] Trending data types

From: Berg, Ivan (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 08:50:27 PDT

From: "Berg, Ivan" <>

I think you are missing the concept of cricket and rrdtool.

RRDTool merely graphs and analyzes data you throw at it, it doesn't really
matter what you throw at it as long as you can get the data somehow, RRDTool
will not get the data for you.

Cricket grabs ***SNMP****(important) data from devices and tells RRDTool to
graph this data. So to answer your question, being able to do these things
depends on the SNMP capabilities of your device. I haven't used the
specific router you mentioned but I am pretty certain that router will not
keep track of application traffic like lotus notes. The best routers today
are moving towards keeping track of the transport layer(TCP) but even that
is a huge task. Even if they did, they would need to implement the SNMP
variables to keep track of that also. Your router probably keeps track of IP
packets since it is a router(that's what they do-route IP and other

If you want to find interesting stuff to graph, grab the MIB's for you
specific device.

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