Re: [cricket-users] monitor-thresholds

From: Javier C. Muniz (
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 23:33:39 PDT

From: "Javier C. Muniz" <>

You can certain attach more than one monitor-threshold via the
monitor-thresholds tag, which is why it's plural :) monitor-thresholds is
a comma delimited list of monitor-strings, which can be of 3 types as
listed in reference.txt. You should take a closer look at the relation
monitor, which is unfortunately broken in the current version of cricket
due to the namespace changes... it should be working in 0.70, since i got
a copy of a tree that tests monitor-thresholds to jeff allen after
noticing that it was broken in 0.69 :)

I'm not sure if trap-address can contain multiple addresses, or if it's
trivial to add such support, but i'll look into it this weekend.

The monitor-thresholds system is designed to be flexible and easy to add
onto. Over time i hope that many more types of monitoring will be
contributed to the code.


On Thu, 5 Aug 1999 wrote:

> From:
> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Utsav Ratti wrote:
> >
> > I want to use the 'monitor-thresholds' tag. The reference guide describes
> > its functionality really well, but one thing isn't clear: what happens when
> > a threshold is exceeded? How do I call an external script to send an alert
> > via e-mail or pager? The guide mentioned traps, but where do these go?
> I played around a little with modifying the 'value' monitor to sending a
> mail when a threshold is exceeded. You'll have to look into the file
> in cricket's lib/ and specifically the Alarm(), Clear() and
> sendMonitorTraps() subs.
> Modifying the sendMonitorTraps() to something like 'sendMonitorMail()'
> should be pretty straight forward.. (Just include your favourite sendmail
> routine)
> There's been little discussion about this feature yet, maybe someone could
> go more in-depth explaining things.
> I, for one, would like to put some more functionality in this, eg have
> multiple monitors on a target for different threshold/time pairs. I think
> some new monitor would have to be built (monValueOverTime eg), and it
> could look something(?) like this in the config
> #monitor if value since last update exceeds 80%
> monitor-thresholds = "myds:value:0:80"
> trap-address = some@address
> #monitor if value exceeds 60% over 15min period
> monitor-thresholds = "myds:valueovertime:15:0:60"
> trap-address = some@other.address
> I've only thought a little about this, I'm not even sure if you can define
> multiple monitor/trap-address pairs on the same target? If not, I could
> probably hardcode the address in the new monitor.
> but now I'm babbling
> --
> Trygve Lunheim
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