[cricket-users] Is there a procedure for upgrading Cricket versions?

From: Tanya Moy (moyt@sysoff.ctstateu.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 11 1999 - 13:33:36 PDT

From: "Tanya Moy" <moyt@sysoff.ctstateu.edu>


I figure it's about time to upgrade to the newest and greatest of Cricket
and RRD. So I have started to research what I need to do and what I need
to be aware of. I have checked the website and the archives but could not
find out if there were any procedures I should follow when I upgrade to
Cricket-0.70 from Cricket-0.63.

Please Advise.

Thanks, tanya

Tanya Moy
Network Administrator
Connecticut State University System Office

phone (860)493-0152, fax (860)493-0120

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