Jeff asked for a little more detail on the monitoring stuff, and I
decided this was generally useful, so I'm sending it to everyone.
Jeff Jensen wrote:
> You were putting together an example of a relative monitor. Did you ever
> get that put together?
I decided to rewrite a bunch of version 0.70's to make it
more tolerant of syntax errors. You'll want to replace the v0.70 with the one attached before you play around with Monitors
Here's an example of a relation monitor:
target control-ds-4
monitor-thresholds =
"cricket-control:relation:0.01 pct:control-ds-9"
The arguments are:
the ds we are looking at in the current target
the monitor type (relation)
the threshold
the target you want to compare to
(defaults to the same target)
the datasource in the target that you want to compare to
(defaults to the same datasource)
the number of seconds back in time you want to compare to
(defaults to 0)
So, in the example above, we are comparing to 0 seconds ago, in the
same cricket-control ds in the target called "control-ds-9" (assumed
to exist in the same subtree as this target).
The threshold is compared to the difference between the absolute value
of the difference between the compaison value and the current
value. The comparison function defaults to '>' (strictly greater
than), thus an alert will be triggered if the difference is less than
or equal to the threshold value. You can change the comparision
function by prepending a '<' or a '>' to the threshold value.
If the threshold is followed by ' pct', then it's compared to the
ratio of the difference to the comparison value, expressed as a
percent. The stuff about the comparison function from above applies
here too. So if the value is 7 and the comparison value is 10, the
percent difference is ((7-10)/10) = 30%.
There is currently no choice about what kind of alert you get. I'll
make it easier to control the kind of alerts you get (i.e. syslog,
e-mail, trap) in an upcoming version (probably 0.71, but don't quote
me on it).
-- Jeff R. Allen | WebTV Service Engineering |
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