Re: [cricket-users] Error...

From: Michael P. Burton (
Date: Mon Aug 16 1999 - 13:19:58 PDT

From: "Michael P. Burton" <>

Ok - I uninstalled, and reinstalled the files, and most of the graphs
could be created. However, it really chokes on the "targets" tag. Ie:

target --default--
        router =

target All
        targets = "Vlan1;Vlan9;Vlan30;Vlan35;
        short-desc = "All VLAN ports"

target Vlan1
        interface-name = Vlan1
        short-desc = "*** DMZ Network ***"
        target-type = sub-interface

used to work, but it now no longer does - while the indivual maps do


: I upgraded to version 0.70 and I'm having the same problem you have,
:with grapher.cgi not showing the graphs at all. Have you been able to
:find the error? I woud appreciate all the help you can give me.
: Regards,
: Aurelio Sanchez
:From: "Michael P. Burton" <>
:I'm upgrading from .69 to .70 - and after following all the instructions
:of a clean install, then porting over my config files, I'm getting error
:messages on the web-page, though there are no errors in the logs or
:It is odd that Max is not mapping for any of my interfaces or for
:Am I missing something?
: Values at last update:
: Average bits in (for the day):
: Cur: 190.09 bits/sec
: Avg: 190.09 bits/sec
: Max: NaN bits/sec
: Average bits out (for the day):
: Cur: 13.45 kbits/sec
: Avg: 13.45 kbits/sec
: Max: NaN bits/sec
:Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
:Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
:Portland State University trapping you underneath.
: At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze

Michael P. Burton "Love is like racing across the frozen tundra
Network Engineer, DCII on a snowmobile which flips over,
Portland State University trapping you underneath.
                            At night, the ice-weasels come." - Nietchze
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V po--- Y+ t++ 5 j R++ G+ tv b++ D+ B--- e+++ u++ h-- f+ r+++ n--- z+++
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