Re: [cricket-users] Config tree design question

From: Brad Knowles (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 08:43:12 PDT

From: Brad Knowles <>

At 10:56 AM -0400 1999/8/18, Utsav Ratti wrote:

> Clearly this is a config tree issue. Here's what I'd like to do. When I
> click on router-interfaces from the main page, I want to see a list of my
> routers displayed, then I want to be able to choose the router and see its
> interfaces.
> What do I need to do to accomplish this?

        Move everything down a subtree. Create your Defaults file at the
"router" level, then within that directory, create a sub-directory
for each router. Create your Targets and interfaces files within
those subdirectories. The web pages that are generated will be a bit
confusing (they won't tell you what router you're looking at), but
you should keep all the data separate for the interfaces with the
same name on different routers.

        Of course, you'll have to modify your cricket-data directory
hierarchy to match, you'll have to recompile, and you'll probably
have to start over with a fresh dataset.

Brad Knowles <> <>

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