From: Brad Knowles <>
At 8:32 PM -0700 1999/8/18, Jeff Allen wrote:
> Sorry, no. However, Cricket was designed to use simple (gack, sorta
> simple) URLs that could be incorporated into a static webpage.
> So, you should be able to right click on the images and find out the
> URL that generates them, then paste that URL into a static HTML page
> to collect several graphs together onto one page.
Count me in with Niall -- I'd like to see the CGI modified so as
to allow you to look at all the hourly (or daily, or monthly, or
whatever) reports for a particular target on the same page. If I can
figure out a way to hack the CGI myself to do this, I will. However,
this is not a top priority for me at the moment.
No, at the moment I'm more interested in figuring out how you can
get a set of instances (e.g., the filesystems to be monitored for
space) all written on the same graph. When I hard-coded them all as
being explict names (diskpct1, diskpct2, etc...), I got this to
happen easily. But trying to get this to happen with %inst% mapping
is starting to make me look like a hairless Chihuahua.
Any thoughts?
-- Brad Knowles <> <> <>Your mouse has moved. Windows NT must be restarted for the change to take effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]
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