[cricket-users] No Hourly Graphs...

From: matt@insnet.net
Date: Mon Aug 23 1999 - 09:45:48 PDT

From: matt@insnet.net


I am using the latest version of Cricket and RRDTOOL
on a Sun Ultra 1 (fully patches Solaris 2.6) and
have an odd issue.

Everything appears to be working fine, however
upon clicking on a target (specifically router-
interfaces) results in a list of ports...great...

When I click octects to view the graph I get
a screen showing avg, max, cur and the graphs...
but the hourly graph is blank. However Daily
graphs are fine.

I have tried reinstalling cricket, recompiling,
rebuiling the config-tree, all sorts but still
no luck.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated.


Matt Duggan,
Internet Network Services.

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