From: "Jim D. Kirby" <>
Ok, now I've played with this little switch and it *does* do at least one
thing I like, although I think it may be a bug.
On Octet graphs "Avg bits in" and the new "Max Avg Bits In" are drawn
different colors which is great. The "Mac Avg Bits In" and "Average Bits
Out" are the same color and the Max Averages don't seem very accurate, at
least for octet calculations, but I can live with that for now.
But, using an OID I found on the cisco list, I am graphing modem utilization
on my AS5200. All I really wante was a graph showing the number of modems
in use at the polling interval. Well, Cricket/RRD have a penchang for
averages so the actual numbers were a little off, and the more time
encompassed in the graph, the fewer modems appeared to be used. Well, turn
on the Max Avg switch and behold: all modem usage graphs instantly become
Max Used graphs. (in fact, my weekly graph went from numbers well below 10
to numbers around 17 and 18, a significant difference on a 24 modem
chassis). However, this is the possible bug part: The grapher doesn't use
different color for average modems used and Max Average modems used. They
are both drawn as Green AREA graphs and hence indistinguishable. Of course,
the bug produces exactly the graph I was hoping for in the first place and
is now my sole reason for having Max Averages turned on.
There's got to be a better way, however. Can anyone tell me how I can graph
exactly (not averages) the number of modems used, and have it appear as
absolute numbers and not averages on the long-term graphs?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 1999 12:06 PM
> To: Jim D. Kirby
> Cc:
> Subject: How to Get Max Values Graphed
> [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> > From: "Jim D. Kirby" <>
> >
> > I"m kinda confused about the "show-avg-max" graph tag.
> According to the
> > refrence doc it's supposed to turn on and off avg/max
> display in the page
> > header. Is this the MRTG style avg/max or is this the same
> old Cricket
> > "values at last update" averages with some new switch?
> Trouble is that this tag appears in the grapher.cgi, but
> that's not what
> turns on the graphing.
> To turn on graphing, you need to change the line below in grapher.cgi:
> # default to not doing max stuff, since it's still a bit
> # messy -- due to bad deafault RRA setup, etc.
> $mx = isTrue(graphParam($gRef, 'show-max', 0));
> Change the 0 to 1, and you will see that indeed the graphs
> are messy, because
> two of the graph colors are the same. I will have to look
> into how to change
> 'Max Average Bits In' to something other than blue.
> And what does 'max average bits in' mean? What's a max average?
> Btw, cricket is designed to not call up the same picture
> twice, so clearing
> your netscape cache is not going to make new pictures appear
> that wouldn't
> have appeared by just hitting refresh.
> The key to making new pictures appear is to muck with the code.
> Good luck!
> -- Rose
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