Re: [cricket-users] Just an idea... !

From: Brad Knowles (
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 03:42:02 PDT

From: Brad Knowles <>

At 8:54 AM +0000 1999/9/2, Matt Duggan wrote:

> Is there a way of graphing the data so that 'half' of the plot is
> on a black background (i.e. night) and half on white???

        Nah, if you're going to do that, it would be better to use one of
those sine-wave graphs that shows exactly where the peak position of
the sun is at that time in that timezone, and then you'd need to add
a positional correction factor for latitude (so you'd need to attach
a GPS device to the system, or have GPS-provided coordinates
specified in the LOC record for that machine in the DNS).

        o \
                - |
        g /

Brad Knowles <> <>

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