[cricket-users] How do I get Switch Port Names?

From: rose@gerf.org
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 16:39:26 PDT

From: rose@gerf.org

Hi all,
  I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out
how to get switch interface names to show up somewhere, just like
the router interface names pop up now.

  I looked through Alan Nicholas' stuff, and in there he tells you to modify
common.pm, which no longer exists in cricket 0.70. So what exactly
do I do to make the switch interface names come up?

  I did splice his code in with Map.pm instead of common.pm, and changed the
other things he mentioned in the readme, but I only end up breaking things.

  Can someone tell me how to get switch instances to come up with the switch
port name for something as standard as a Cisco 5500? I'd greatly appreciate

Thanks again,

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