Re: [cricket-users] Segmentation Fault

From: James Moore (
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 09:51:52 PDT

From: James Moore <>

On 28 Oct 1999 wrote:

|I am getting the exact same problem with the same error.
|Are you running cricket from a special cricket user or from root?? I was
|using root to run but ran into some error so I created a cricket account
|and these errors showed up!!

Running this stuff as root is not a good idea. If its misconfigured or
buggy you've given it permission to trash any file or directory on your
file system. I created a cricket account and have had no problems.

Did you then set the permissions on the cricket directories to allow write
access for the user 'cricket'? If you cd to the directory above all of the
cricket stuff and type 'chown -R cricket <cricket directory>' you will
recursively change the owner of all of the files in the cricket directory
to cricket. This command should work under linux; YMMV for other OSs.

|What I don't get is the directory path cricket is trying to create the
|cricket-data in "/home/cricket/cricket-config/../cricket-data". What
|does the "/../" mean??

'/../' means parent of current directory. If you read the path from left
to right and imagine typing 'cd' before each directory you'll see the path
as the program does. The whole mess translates to

James Moore --
CIRCA Telecommunications
voice: 392-2007 fax: 392-3760

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