[cricket-users] Determining bandwidth usage

From: Berg, Ivan (iberg@montana.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 15:53:51 PDT

From: "Berg, Ivan" <iberg@montana.edu>

Here is the problem:
Cricket averages the data for the long term resulting in a smoothed out
picture that does not accurately give you an idea of peak bandwidth usage
needed to bill or upgrade a network.

This is due to the bursty nature of LAN traffic, for instance, in one case,
the average for the week is about HALF the size of the peaks in the
day-quite a loss.

Is there other ways for cricket/rrdtool to generate long term data? I.E
instead of averaging, simply throw out every so many points - even this
would preserve peaks better.

Another way would be to increase the data size sets of rrd so it could store
more data points and not average so much.

Anybody have any suggestions to improve the resolution and have cricket
preserve the data more??

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