Re: [cricket-users] generate statics runs, but i get no data/pics

From: Mark Skinner (
Date: Fri Oct 29 1999 - 18:02:53 PDT

From: "Mark Skinner" <>

Yup that was it.

I was misled by the directions in the README file in the util dir.
I put the information in the Defaults file not the interfaces file.
do you know how I can get the summary text too?
i wanted to include current , max, and average as text also.

     "This script depends on some tags in order to know where
        to put things. Put these tags in your root Defaults file
        in the target dictionary:

          static-ranges -> ranges to calculate for (such as d:y)
          static-path -> file system path to place the image
          static-name -> base file name for the image

        For example:

          static-ranges = d:w:m
          static-path =
          static-name = %auto-target-name%

Mark Skinner

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: Mark Skinner <>
Cc: cricket <>
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [cricket-users] generate statics runs, but i get no data/pics

>Hi Mark,
>I think the problem is that all the generate-static tags should
>be defined in the target file, not in the Defaults file, like
>> head -6 interfaces
>target --default--
> router = some.random.router
> generate-static = "1"
> static-ranges = "d:w:m"
> static-path =
> static-name = %auto-target-name%
>The next problem is that the MkDir subroutine seems not to be defined.
>It's a minor problem though, you can create the directory manually and
>it works fine.
>On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Mark Skinner wrote:
>ct-1999 12:13:06 ] Working on target pos1_0_0.
>[29-Oct-1999 12:13:06 ] Retrieving graph for pos1_0_0-Octets-Hourly
>[29-Oct-1999 12:13:07 ] Making directory
>public_html/static//router-interfaces/some.random.router to hold file
>Undefined subroutine &main::MkDir called at ./generate-statics line 244.
>The only thing missing is accompanying html, though just browing
>the directory these appear in works just as well.
>Having the ability to generate static graphs is useful for the
>specific reason of giving *customer* access to throughput statistics,
>or to store snapshots. I notice that this script takes about 4 minutes
>to generate 135 graphs, so this is not something you want to do
>in near-real-time, otherwise you have MRTG all over again. :-)
>Take care,
>> From: "Mark Skinner" <>
>> Hi,
>> I have gotten one router interfaces setup for the generate-static script
>> to get data for, but it runs with no output.
>> here is what I get.
>> [httpd@rrd util]$ ./generate-statics /cr3.irvnca
>> [27-Oct-1999 12:18:20 ] Working on target fastethernet4_1_0.
>> here is the end of the Defaults file where /cr3.irvnca interfaces file
>> [httpd@rrd cr3.irvnca]$ tail Defaults
>> <snip>
>> y-axis = "errors per second"
>> legend = "Average Errors Out"
>> units = "err/sec"
>> #add to support Generate statics script
>> static-ranges = "d:w:m"
>> static-path = %auto-base%/../public_html/static/%auto-target-path%
>> static-name = %auto-target-name%
>> and a head of the interfaces file
>> target --default--
>> router =
>> target FastEthernet4_1_0
>> interface-name = FastEthernet4/1/0
>> short-desc = "bigcust Colo"
>> generate-static = "1"
>> any ideas why the program spots the target but doesn't get the data.
>> I even did a lynx http://localhost/~httpd/cricket/grapher.cgi
>> to confirm that the BaseUrl was okay and it was ok.
>> thanks!
>> Mark Skinner
>> p.s. did Jeff Allen write this script?
>> >>

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