From: Greg Redder <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
Dear all,
I'm using Cricket 0.70 to monitor much of our network. It works great
with various switches and of course the Cisco routers. However,
I'm having trouble monitoring a Lucent P550 Layer 3 switch. The problem
is that the interface descriptions show up something like this:
Module 3, Port 1
That doesn't work to well - cricket doesn't like the space and comma's in
the interface file. I've tried replacing the spaces with underscores, but
that doesn't quite take care of the comma.
Anyone else using Cricket to monitor Lucent switches?
Thank you -Greg Redder
Greg Redder Academic Computing & Networking Services
Colorado State University, ACNS Phone:(970)491-7222 FAX: (970)491-1958
601 S. Howes, Room 625 E-mail:
Fort Collins, CO 80523 PGP Fprint:68CEE78C86AC452881B27249785FEE91
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