From: "Matt Raykowski" <>
Okay, now I'm just plain frustrated. I'm trying to combine my interface
data and my cpu/memory data into one directory, and I get them to show up,
toss and get the correct data, but when I pull up the actually Octets graph,
it says my serial interface is pulling 27.4G/s and that's just obviously not
right. See if any of you can see what I'm doing wrong:
interfaces file:
target --default--
router = router-domain-name
target router-domain-name
target-type = cisco-2900xl
target VLAN1
target-type = switch-port
interface-name = VLAN1
short-desc = "<IMG SRC=\"\">"
inst = map(interface-name)
target FastEthernet0_1
target-type = switch-port
interface-name = FastEthernet0/1
short-desc = "<IMG SRC=\"\">"
inst = map(interface-name)
Defaults file:
# switches sub-tree
# Contributed by Jeff Jensen <>.
# Hacked by Jeff Allen... any mistakes are mine.
Target --default--
switch = %auto-target-name%
snmp-host = %router%
# you can set this, if you need to:
# snmp-community = private
# we leave this unset here so that we MUST remember to set it later
target-type = undef
OID c1900Bandwidth
OID c1900BandwidthMax
OID c5000Bandwidth
OID c5000BandwidthMax
OID cpu1min
OID cpu5min
OID mem5minUsed
OID mem5minFree
datasource --default--
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
rrd-min = undef
rrd-max = undef
datasource c1900-bandwidth
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/c1900Bandwidth
desc = "The amount of bandwidth used across the backplane."
datasource c1900-bandwidth-max
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/c1900BandwidthMax
desc = "The maximum amount of bandwidth used across the
datasource c5000-bandwidth
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/c5000Bandwidth
desc = "The amount of bandwidth used across the backplane."
datasource c5000-bandwidth-max
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/c5000BandwidthMax
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
desc = "The maximum amount of bandwidth used across the
datasource cpu1min
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/cpu1min
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
desc = "The average usage of the CPU over the last 1
datasource cpu5min
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/cpu5min
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
desc = "The average usage of the CPU over the last 5
datasource mem5minUsed
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/mem5minUsed
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
desc = "The amount of memory used over the last 5 minutes."
datasource mem5minFree
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/mem5minFree
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
rrd-heartbeat = 1800
desc = "The amount of memory free over the last 5 minutes."
graph c1900-bandwidth
units = bs
color = dark-green
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Bits"
legend = "Bits/s across backplane"
graph c1900-bandwidth-max
units = bs
color = blue
y-axis = "Bits"
legend = "Max bits/s across backplane during interval"
graph c5000-bandwidth
units = bs
color = dark-green
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Percent backplane utilization"
legend = "Percent backplane utilization"
graph c5000-bandwidth-max
units = bs
color = blue
y-axis = "Max percentage backplane utilization"
legend = "Max percentage backplane utilization"
graph cpu1min
units = %
color = dark-green
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Percent CPU utilization"
legend = "1 minute CPU utilization"
precision = integer
graph cpu5min
units = %
color = blue
y-axis = "Percent CPU utilization"
legend = "5 minute CPU utilization"
precision = integer
graph mem5minUsed
units = B
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Bytes"
legend = "5 minute used memory"
precision = integer
graph mem5minFree
units = B
y-axis = "Bytes"
legend = "5 minute free memory"
precision = integer
targetType cisco-2900xl
ds = "cpu1min, cpu5min, mem5minUsed, mem5minFree"
view = "cpu: cpu1min cpu5min,
memory: mem5minUsed mem5minFree"
targetType cisco-1900
ds = "c1900-bandwidth, c1900-bandwidth-max"
view = "backplane: c1900-bandwidth c1900-bandwidth-max"
legend = "5 minute CPU utilization"
precision = integer
graph mem5minUsed
units = B
draw-as = AREA
y-axis = "Bytes"
legend = "5 minute used memory"
precision = integer
graph mem5minFree
units = B
y-axis = "Bytes"
legend = "5 minute free memory"
precision = integer
targetType cisco-2900xl
ds = "cpu1min, cpu5min, mem5minUsed, mem5minFree"
view = "cpu: cpu1min cpu5min,
memory: mem5minUsed mem5minFree"
targetType cisco-1900
ds = "c1900-bandwidth, c1900-bandwidth-max"
view = "backplane: c1900-bandwidth c1900-bandwidth-max"
Matt Raykowski - Level Two Technician
Spacestar Communications, Inc.
Dial-up to DS-3 Serving - MN WI ND MI IL
Voice (612) 996-0000 / Fax (612) 996-0123 /
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