[cricket-announce] Cricket is moving to SourceForge.net

From: Jeff R. Allen (jallen@cs.hmc.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 00:14:14 PST

From: "Jeff R. Allen" <jallen@cs.hmc.edu>

Hugo Gayosso wrote:
> What about moving the whole project to: sourceforge.net ??

Good idea. I didn't want to announce it until I was sure I could make
it work for my purposes, but I'm pretty sure I'll be using it, so I'll
announce it:

  Cricket development will be moving to SourceForge.net in the
  coming weeks.

Please feel free to go make yourself an account and join the
project. It's named "cricket". (Duh.)

The first thing I plan to do is cut the mailing lists over from
OneList to sourceforge.net. Please do not subscribe yourself to the
new mailing lists just yet. I plan to do a bulk move shortly.

After the mailing list is moved, I will work on getting the code
checked into CVS. Going forward, I hope things will be a lot more
collabrative... as it stands now, people mostly send me patches, and I
mostly ignore them for long periods of time while I am doing other
projects. That's not a very good way to encourage contributions, and
I want to open things up and get all your good ideas into the hands of
the other users.

Jeff R. Allen            |   jeff.allen@acm.org (personal)
HMC Alum, Class of '96   |   http://www.munitions.com/~jra

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