[cricket-users] Cricket 0.64 bugs

From: Jeff Allen (jra@corp.webtv.net)
Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 14:03:45 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <jra@corp.webtv.net>

I forgot to mention that Cricket 0.64 has at least one known bug. I
forgot to implement 'undef', so if your config tree depends on that
functionality from the previous ConfigTree.pm, then you should not yet
upgrade. If you don't know what that feature is, you probably are not
using it.

Also, POSIX::fstat() seems to generate warnings on Perl 5.005
installations. You can ignore those. They look like this:

        Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::open(), qualify as such or use & at
        ../../lib/POSIX.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/POSIX/fstat.al) line 737,
        <GEN0> chunk 211.
        Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::stat(), qualify as such or use & at
        ../../lib/POSIX.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/POSIX/fstat.al) line 738,
        <GEN0> chunk 211.
        Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::close(), qualify as such or use & at
        ../../lib/POSIX.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/POSIX/fstat.al) line 739,
        <GEN0> chunk 211.

I will get rid of those in Cricket 0.65.

Finally, David Koski has reported a bug related to subtrees (like atm)
which have a level without any targets. I'm looking into that now.

Jeff R. Allen                   |   jra@corp.webtv.net (work)
WebTV Networks, Inc.            |   jeff.allen@acm.org (personal)
Service Operations Toolsmith    |   http://www.munitions.com/~jra

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