From: "Pantazis, Dionysios J." <>
first off, is there a list archive somewhere? i tried to search for one at
onelist but no luck.
(really i would have searched the archive to answer my questions if i could
find one before posting)
I figured our what/where extra perl modules i needed, thanks to Mike Jones
(DB_File, Time::Date, db-2.7.4)
from CHANGES.txt instructions, run the following to check for DB_File, perl
-MDB_File -e {}
i get no response, what should I get?
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ perl -MDB_File -e {}
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$
I am still getting errors even though i compile and collect. screen dump to appears that the base dir is not passed on correctly (I created a
user cricket, with homedir /home/cricket and then gzip|tar'd the file =>
cricket-0.67/, which i then linked that to cricket /home/cricket/cricket)
the 'missing' file is actually there, only its in
collector is looking for it in
where does the gBase variable get defined/modified?
i suppose that i could fudge it and move things around but that is seems to
be too much of a hack
what is the best way to fix?
also, should i get and extended output here by useing the -logLevel debug
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ ls
compile* doc/ lib/ subtree-sets
COPYING THANKS collect-subtrees* configure*
grapher.cgi* mini-graph.cgi* util/
FAQ TODO collector* cricket-config/
images/ sample-config/
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ ./compile -base cricket-config
[23-Jun-1999 11:28:29 ] Starting compile: Cricket version 0.67 ( Mon Jun 21
17:23:58 CDT 1999 )
[23-Jun-1999 11:28:31 ] Processed 50 nodes (in 25 files) in 4 seconds.
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ ls cricket-config/ -l
total 143
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cricket cricket 6358 Jun 21 17:50 Defaults
drwxrwsr-x 5 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 atm-interfaces/
-rw-r--r-- 1 cricket cricket 167936 Jun 23 11:28 config.db
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 http-performance/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 news-server/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 portmasters/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 router-interfaces/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 23 10:43 routers/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 routing/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 squid-proxy/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 switch-ports/
drwxrwsr-x 2 cricket cricket 1024 Jun 21 17:49 switches/
<cool, i get the config.db file generated>
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ ./collector /routers
[23-Jun-1999 11:30:54 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.67 ( Mon Jun
21 17:23:58 CDT 1999 )
[23-Jun-1999 11:30:54*] Failed to open compiled config tree from
/home/cricket/cricket-config/config.db: No such file or directory
Exiting due to unrecoverble error.
[cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ ./collector -logLevel debug /routers
[23-Jun-1999 11:31:22 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.67 ( Mon Jun
21 17:23:58 CDT 1999 )
[23-Jun-1999 11:31:22*] Failed to open compiled config tree from
/home/cricket/cricket-config/config.db: No such file or directory
Exiting due to unrecoverble error.
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