Re: [cricket-users] help: now where to look

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Fri Jun 25 1999 - 04:38:32 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Pantazis, Dionysios J. wrote:
> first off, is there a list archive somewhere? i tried to search for one at
> onelist but no luck.

You get to the list archive on onelist like this:

                a. enter username and password
                b. click "log in"
                c. click on "cricket-users", near the bottom.
                d. click on View Archives

I am not very happy with their archive format. If someone else would
like to make a hypermail (etc...) archive of this list, I'd be
grateful. I am not willing to take the time to deal with it, when
OneList at least sort of has an archive.

> i get no response, what should I get?
> [cricket@dudok1 cricket]$ perl -MDB_File -e {}

You should not get an error. So no response is good. In the document
rewrite that I hope to do sometime this summer, I'll explain all this
a bit more clearly.

> collector is looking for it in
> /home/cricket/cricket-config/config.db

collector takes a -base argument, just like compile. (Ok, ok, I know,
if there were manpages, you'd know that without me having to tell
you.) When you are running it interactively in your non-standard
install, you will always need to use the -base option.

Also, make sure you edit subtree-sets to tell collect-subtrees where the config
tree root is. That way, it will know what to pass to the collector for
the -base argument.

You are close... keep pushing, and it'll start working soon, I promise!

Jeff R. Allen              |
WebTV Service Engineering  |

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