[cricket-users] Help needed for a cricket newbie

From: Daniel Spisak (dspisak@mminternet.com)
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 16:40:05 PDT

From: "Daniel Spisak" <dspisak@mminternet.com>

Ok, I have started going nuts now I think
I blew away my old cricket files and did a clean install of cricket under a
non-root user. I used the CPAN.pm to install the latest versions of
Time::HiRes, LWP, and MD5. I have the latest version on RRD and
SNMP_Session installed. I did a sh configure sucessfully. However this is
what happens now when I try to do a complie command as a non-root user(as
root the errors are the same):

[dspisak@andromeda cricket-config]$ ~/cricket/compile /routers
DB_File object version 1.67 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.15 at
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00405/DynaLoader.pm line 188.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/home/dspisak/cricket/./lib/ConfigTree/Node.pm line 25.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/dspisak/cricket/compile line 29.
[dspisak@andromeda cricket-config]$

After looking at line 29 of complie it looks like its looking for
ConfigTree::Node but not finding it? But its the first error that is
annoying me, I think its saying that my Perl can't find the proper header
info for DB_File? What am I doing wrong? SO far I haven't heard anything I
haven't tried yet. Jeff, if you have some time I'd like to talk to you about
these errors as the beginner.txt file, even with your addendums seems to
only make things worse for me now :(

If anyone else has any ideas as to what is wrong with my setup I'd love to
hear from you.
So far, getting this working is making maintaining my MRTG config files look
trivial! I *want* this to work (I am going to need instance mapping in a big
way soon).

Daniel E. Spisak
Senior Network Administrator
MM Internet

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