Re: [cricket-users] Help needed for a cricket newbie

From: Jeff Allen (
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 16:59:18 PDT

From: Jeff Allen <>

Daniel Spisak wrote:
> [dspisak@andromeda cricket-config]$ ~/cricket/compile /routers
> DB_File object version 1.67 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.15 at
> /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00405/ line 188.

You need to focus on this bug, and get it solved before Cricket will
work for you. I think this problem is related to your install of
DB_File and/or Perl. You need to write a tiny test program which uses
DB_File -- just copy the minimal amount of test code out of the
DB_File docs:

                use DB_File;

                tie %hash, 'DB_File', 'test';
                $hash{'foo'} = "bar";
                print "result is: ", $hash{'foo'}, "\n";

If that program will not run correctly, Cricket won't work either.

I'm sorry the beginner.txt file is out of date. I plan to release a
new version soon, but some other work related things are preventing me
from spending time on Cricket. :(

Jeff R. Allen              |
WebTV Service Engineering  |

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