[cricket-users] http-perfo

From: antoine cochet (cochet@univ-lehavre.fr)
Date: Fri Jun 25 1999 - 04:30:49 PDT

From: antoine cochet <cochet@univ-lehavre.fr>

Hello and sorry about my english
Cricket works fine for routers and interfaces but a problem occurs with
http: my serveur runs on pc/linux/apache and no snmp server is on it.
collector logs :-------------------
$ ~/cricket/collector -loglevel debug /http-performance
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:15 ] Starting collector: Cricket version 0.65 ( Wed May
19 16:49:51 PDT 1999 )
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:15*] Config tree needs to be recompiled: File
/home/cochet/cricket-config/http-performance/urls is newer than the
compiled version.
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:15 ] Starting compile: Cricket version 0.65 ( Wed May
19 16:49:51 PDT 1999 )
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:16 ] Processed 69 nodes (in 24 files) in 1 seconds.
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Processing
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] target norton.univ-lehavre.fr
        auto-base = /home/cochet/cricket-config
        auto-root = /..
        auto-target-path = /http-performance
        datadir =
        inst =
        long-desc = Intranet Norton is being monitored via this URL:
        rrd-datafile =
        rrd-poll-interval = 300
        short-desc = Intranet Norton
        snmp =
        snmp-community = public
        snmp-host = norton.univ-lehavre.fr
        snmp-port = 161
        target-type = http-performance
        url = http://norton.univ-lehavre.fr
        util-dir = /home/cochet/cricket-config/../cricket-0.65/util

[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Retrieving data for target norton.univ-lehavre.fr
() (http-performance)
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Retrieving data (EXEC:
http://norton.univ-lehavre.fr) for norton.univ-lehavre.fr
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] EXEC:
http://norton.univ-lehavre.fr results = U,U
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Retrieved data for norton.univ-lehavre.fr (): U,U
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Some data is missing for norton.univ-lehavre.fr
[25-Jun-1999 12:13:17 ] Processed 1 targets in 3 seconds.
if no server is on server-host, i wonder what i can do?
(I saw nothing about snmp in linux-howto)

Antoine Cochet | CRI Universite du HAVRE
Tel: 02 32 74 42 51 Fax: 02 32 74 40 56 | BP 540
Mail : Antoine.Cochet@univ-lehavre.fr | 76058 LE HAVRE CEDEX , France

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