From: Jeff Allen <>
jmpark wrote:
> I'd like to know more about events.
> Could you give me some examples?
An event is basically just a vertical line that you can put on the
graph in an arbitrary place on a graph. Say you raised the CIR on a
frame relay link. You might want to put an event on that link saying
"CIR raised" which would show you visually where the event took place.
> I want to get notification(via any method)
> when the data collected exceed the threshold defined.
> Is it possible to implement using events?
No, events are not the right tool for that. You'll want to check out
the upcoming threshold feature(s), which will be in the next
version. That will be released sometime next week. (And you can quote
me on that!)
-- Jeff R. Allen | WebTV Service Engineering | ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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